Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A Slacker Reviews Resolutions

I know, I know, I am slacking in my blogger duties! Thanks to those of you who faithfully check this site, only to find that I am still thinking it through more so than writing about it. This has been a time for that, thinking it through, and I have been juggling that processing with the very full demands of being wife to Mark and momma to four.

The New Year always holds such thinking for me. I take it all so seriously and truly want to establish goals for myself and my family that will matter to us this year and for many years to come. There are things that need to be taken better care of and things that need to get done. There are things I dream about and things that I know must occur. There is balance to find and structure to clarify. There are relationships to tend to and space to create. It is a lot I know... and I am aware that many people do not even believe in resolutions... but for me it is an important rite of passage from one year to the next. A touchstone. A cornerstone. A start.

Here are some of my thoughts, jumbled and messy but true:

1. Physically: I need to take better care of myself. This likely means going to the doctor, which I am loathe to do. In the midst of so much mommy-ing, my physical health is the first thing to fall off the radar and I know that it is not best. As cliche as it might be, I want to work out more and feel better. Baby steps.

2. Spiritually: I need to listen to what God has for me and trust Him to see it through. Doesn't sound that hard, does it? I tell myself that often... but I am quickly reminded that if it were as simple as those words strung together, I would be doing it much more readily! I know I need to write. I have a half finished book, many book ideas and need to work toward being published. I feel God nudging... but my feet are set in clay. Time to move.

3. Professionally: Oh the dreams! There is much I would love to do. God has given me a passion for encouraging moms and after speaking at conferences and to countless groups, I have a fire in my belly to create a retreat that does just that. I want to speak more, develop new topics, connect it all to my writing, and... I could go on and on...

4. Emotionally: I need seek balance in more purposeful and intentional way. There are times I get this right and many times I miss the mark entirely. I want balance to be a way of life in all times instead of a way to right my sinking ship. I know that when I am keeping good balance in my life, I feel better. When I feel better I am a better wife to Mark and a better momma to Noah, Benjamin, Josiah and Elizabeth.

I have several other goals that I am eager to work toward... and now, 20 days into the new year, I am still focused on these as I move forward. As I think it all through though, I know that none of it has any worth if it is separate from that which God is dreaming for me, as well. The past two years have been trying for us as we juggle two houses, two mortgages and more stress than we could have imagined being able to manage. But this I know... none of it is outside of His dream for me. None of it is without purpose. When I am most frustrated, most discouraged, it is the heart of God to pull near, draw me close, help me to find my way into yet another day. I am not alone. YOU are not alone.

As we continue through the beginning of this new year, let's hope together. Let's look at our humble lives and make goals. Let's plan and dream and in doing so remember that the God of all creation dreams WITH us. The goals we set with that in mind are worth far more than a new year's resolution. These goals can help us to unfold a bit more of His plan... and that is worth the work.